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Maciej Paruzel

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Maciej Paruzel

DM, a specialist in General Surgery and Hirudotherapy. Since 1996 he has worked at the Centre for limb replantation, Microsurgery, Hand Surgery and General Surgery in Trzebnicy (Poland). Currently Hospital Św.Jadwigi Sl. in Trzebnicy. Co-author of the first Polish limb transplantation. Author of Europe’s first finger replantation in 5 years old. A graduate of the Russian Academy of Hirudoterapii in St. Petersburg. Vice-President of the Polish Society of Hirudotherapy in 2010-2012. President of the Polish Society of Hirudologist. An honorary member of the British Society Hirudoterapeutycznego. Author of the first Polish medical books on hirudotherapy – “Zarys hirudoterapii praktycznej”.