- Hirudotherapy and Modern medicine (conventional, traditional, complementary, the health systems of the countries of the world);
- Theoretical issues of Hirudotherapy (historical aspects of hirudotherapy, the contemporary understanding of the mechanisms of its influence, the basics of therapeutic applications, and others);
- Clinical Hirudotherapy:
- clinical practice of Internal diseases (cardiology, gastroenterology, pathology of kidney and urinary system, and others);
- clinical practice of Surgery (general surgery, phlebology, gynecology and andrology, traumatology and other);
- Aesthetic medicine, plastic and reconstructive surgery, cosmetology, and others);
- in the practice of physician-specialist (ENT-pathology, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, and others)
- Features of the child’s age and patients of older age groups;
- Modern Veterinary practice;
- Preventive and curative direction;