Konstantin Sukhov
MD, PhD, vice-president of the Russian Professional Medical Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (RACAM), Moscow (Russia)
Graduated with honors from the Medical Institute of Yakutsk State University (Yakutsk, 1985). Pupil of academician K.R.Sedov (RAMS of the USSR, Irkutsk – Krasnoyarsk); a doctor and researcher, Nobel prize laureate (1976) D.C.Gajdusek (National Institute of Health, USA); University professors V.M.Makarov, V.P.Alexeev, V.G.Krivoshapkin (Medical Institute of the Yakut State University, Yakutsk). Laureate of the Award of Komsomol of Yakutia in the field of science and engineering (1991) and the public Prize named. A.N. Kosygin for great achievements in the development of Russian economy (2013).
Head the courses of «Hirudotherapy» (Research center of Restorative medicine and balneology, Health Ministry of Russia, Moscow, 2008) and «Application of Medical Leeches in Complementary medicine and Rehabilitation» (RACAM, 2009); section «Unindifferent» Russian Society of Physicians in Rehabilitation medicine (Russian medical society, Moscow, 2008); Laboratory research of peripheral blood circulation and tissue metabolism (Moscow, 2010).
Author of more than 70 scientific works and books, dedicated to issues of general pathology; history of medicine, cardiology, pulmonology and gastroenterology on the Far North; the Vilyui encephalomyelitis; hirudotherapy; capillaroscopy and microcirculation.
The Organizer and Leader of the First International Symposium «Medicinal Leech Therapy» (Moscow, 2010); the Organizer and Co-chair of the Symposia «Non-drug methods of treatment in modern therapy» and «Microcirculation in the pathogenesis of diseases» (National Congress of Therapeutists, Moscow, 2010-2012); the First all-Russian Congress on Ayurveda (Moscow, 12-13 April, 2013). Chairman of the organizing Committee of the First Russian Congress on Complementary medicine (Moscow, 30 may – 01 June 2013).